Example products created with Open API

Use them for any purposes

  • Code snippets

    Our documentation includes numerous code snippets created mostly for C# and Python that will help you adopt the best Open API integration practices.

  • SDKs

    Our SDKs contain helpful methods and classes that handle essential operations. They can be installed and managed using any suitable package management solution for your chosen programming language.

  • Charting library

    Get our lightweight charting library that includes indicators, technical analysis tools, a multi-chart feature, a one-tick period and much more. Contact support for customisations or deleting the “powered by” icon.

Example projects
Find the links to the sample projects created with the full Open API protocol integration below. These projects can be used as examples of the cTrader Open API capabilities, or they can provide added value to the cTrader ecosystem.
  • Open API Trader

    A simple mobile app that is perfect for beginner traders but still includes most of the commands provided by Open API. It is coded with Flutter—a rising power in mobile development. The breakthrough feature of simultaneous trading is included as well.

  • Broker Open API Trader

    Offering all the existing advantages of Open API Trader, this application also provides registration screens customised for brokerage needs.* Opening of new accounts and deposit simulations are available as well. Getting your own mobile trader application is even easier if you are a cTrader ecosystem member.

    * cTrader WebServices API is required. To learn more, contact our sales department.

  • Multiterminal

    This cross-broker application is a perfect solution for money managers. It allows a lightning-fast execution of any order for dozens of accounts in a single click. It works with any cTrader account, regardless of your broker.

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